9 December 2021

Building a mobile game in Xamarin Forms - BindableLayout

by Shaun Lawrence

In this post we will finally get to building some UI and applying the parts we have learnt in the previous posts. This will involve potentially undoing some bits but hopefully this will help to show how we can achieve yet more parts through MVVM and the approaches we have been focussing on.

Code tidy up

First things first lets jump over to the App.xaml.cs file and remove the code we added to OnStart in Data layer.

This code should look like:

protected async override void OnStart()
    IShapeRepository shapeRepository = new ShapeRepository();

    var shapes = await shapeRepository.ListAsync();

    await MainPage.DisplayAlert(
        $"Loaded {shapes.Count} shapes",

We can completetly delete this method but we will want to write the first two lines again so feel free to cut ready to paste it elsewhere.

Once we have cut the code let’s jump over to the MainPageViewModel class and use it there.


For this we are going to add some extra logic to our OnPlay method we added earlier on in the series.

Before we change our code we are going to make use of a very valuable NuGet package, the Xamarin Community Toolkit. This toolkit provides some really great things and I thoroughly recommend that you check it out, for now we really care about the AsyncCommand which will allow us to easily follow best practises around asynchronous code. For much more in-depth reading on these best practises I recommend you check out Brandon Minnicks (The Code Traveller) repository on AsyncAwaitBestPractices. This provides some great explanations on what the compiler does when it encounters the async and await keywords and how to use them correctly.

To add a NuGet package right click on the solution and choose Manage NuGet Packages…. Then search for Xamarin.Community.Toolkit and choose Add. Select the shared project to add it to.

Actually load something

Our OnPlay method will get a few updates in this series but for now let’s do the groundwork:

private async Task OnPlay()
    ShowPlay = false;
    ShowGuess = true;

    var shapeRepository = new ShapeRepository();

    var allShapes = await shapeRepository.ListAsync();

    // 1. Generate view model copies

    // 2. Randomly sort them

    // 3. Add to a collection for binding

First you should notice that we have changed the signature of the method to include async Task this follows on from the best practise blog post, if you didn’t read it that I strongly recommend that you do.

By changing the signature of the OnPlay method we will also be forced to change how we create the PlayCommand.

this will change from:

PlayCommand = new Command(() => OnPlay());


PlayCommand = new AsyncCommand(() => OnPlay(), allowsMultipleExecutions: false);

Again this implements the best practises for us. The additional allowsMultipleExecutions parameter allows us to prevent from a user tapping on our button multiple times and it calling our load method for each tap.

Create our view model to represent a Shape

The next changes involve us loading the shapes ready to do something with them. Sadly this is our first diversion…

Another good practise is to completely separate your models from your view. Therefore we will create our own view model to represent our Shape model class. I have chosen the name TileViewModel for this new view model because I feel it represents it’s purpose much more clearly than ShapeViewModel but this is purely personal choice.

Let’s add the new class

using Pairs.Models;

namespace Pairs.ViewModels
    public class TileViewModel : BaseViewModel
        private bool isGuessed;
        private bool isSelected;
        private readonly Shape shape;

        public string Path => shape.Path;

        public bool IsGuessed
            get => isGuessed;
            set => SetProperty(ref isGuessed, value);

        public bool IsSelected
            get => isSelected;
            set => SetProperty(ref isSelected, value);

        public TileViewModel(Shape shape)
            this.shape = shape;

Hopefully there isn’t too much that is unclear based on what we have already covered but in case some parts aren’t clear here is some extra context:

OK now we will really do something with the shapes

Now that we have our new view model class we can jump back to MainPageViewModel and finish off our loading logic.

First we can now add a collection property to our MainPageViewModel class that will store our tiles:

public ObservableCollection<TileViewModel> Tiles { get; } = new ObservableCollection<TileViewModel>();

And then we can populate it inside OnPlay:

private async Task OnPlay()
    ShowPlay = false;
    ShowGuess = true;

    var shapeRepository = new ShapeRepository();

    var allShapes = await shapeRepository.ListAsync();

    var random = new Random();

    // 1. Generate view model copies
    const int gridSize = 8;
    var requiredSpeakerCount = gridSize / 2;

    var actualTiles = new List<TileViewModel>(gridSize);

    for (int i = 0; i < requiredSpeakerCount; i++)
        var shapeIndex = random.Next(allShapes.Count);
        var shape = allShapes[shapeIndex];

        actualTiles.Add(new TileViewModel(shape));
        actualTiles.Add(new TileViewModel(shape));

    // 2. Randomly sort them
    int n = actualTiles.Count;

    while (n > 1)
        int k = random.Next(n + 1);
        var value = actualTiles[k];
        actualTiles[k] = actualTiles[n];
        actualTiles[n] = value;

    // 3. Add to a collection for binding
    foreach (var tile in actualTiles)

We have added quite a bit of code in here so let’s break it down:

// 1. Generate view model copies
const int gridSize = 8;
var requiredShapeCount = gridSize / 2;

var actualTiles = new List<TileViewModel>(gridSize);

for (int i = 0; i < requiredShapeCount; i++)
    var shapeIndex = random.Next(allShapes.Count);
    var shape = allShapes[shapeIndex];

    actualTiles.Add(new TileViewModel(shape));
    actualTiles.Add(new TileViewModel(shape));

We are defining how many tiles we will be expecting, creating a list to hold our new tiles and then we loop, picking a random shape out of the shapes we loaded from our ShapeRepository and then create 2 instances of TileViewModel. The last part allowing us to ensure that we will always have matching pairs.

// 2. Randomly sort them
int n = actualTiles.Count;

while (n > 1)
    int k = random.Next(n + 1);
    var value = actualTiles[k];
    actualTiles[k] = actualTiles[n];
    actualTiles[n] = value;

This loops through our collection that we have built and randomly orders them to make the game challenging.

// 3. Add to a collection for binding
foreach (var tile in actualTiles)

This finally adds them to our ObservableCollection which our UI will bind to and be notified of the changes.

Finally some UI work!!

We are now ready to jump in to the MainPage.xaml file and add show something to the user. We are going to swap the StackLayout that we used previously out for a Grid as this gives us better control on how things are layed out in terms of sizing, location and also allows for elements to overlap.

We should have this from our previous work:

<StackLayout HorizontalOptions="Center"

    <Label Text="{Binding GuessedCount}" />

    <Button Text="Play"
            Command="{Binding PlayCommand}"
            IsVisible="{Binding ShowPlay}" />

    <Button Text="Guess"
            Command="{Binding GuessCommand}"
            IsVisible="{Binding ShowGuess}" />


We are going to swap it to the following:

<Grid RowDefinitions="80,*">
    <Label Text="{Binding GuessedCount}"
           IsVisible="{Binding ShowGuess}" />

    <Button Text="Play"
            Command="{Binding PlayCommand}"
            IsVisible="{Binding ShowPlay}"
            VerticalOptions="Center" />

    <FlexLayout BindableLayout.ItemsSource="{Binding Tiles}"
                IsVisible="{Binding ShowGuess}"
            <DataTemplate x:DataType="viewmodels:TileViewModel">
                <Grid WidthRequest="80"
                    <Frame IsClippedToBounds="True"
                           BackgroundColor="{StaticResource Color02}">
                            <TapGestureRecognizer Command="{Binding Path=GuessCommand, Source={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type viewmodels:MainPageViewModel}}}" />

                        <Label Text="{Binding Path}"
                               TextColor="{StaticResource Color01}"/>

This is probably the most complex piece of code we have written together so we will need to take some time to cover the details:


FlexLayout is similar to the Xamarin.Forms StackLayout in that it can arrange its children horizontally and vertically in a stack. However, the FlexLayout is also capable of wrapping its children if there are too many to fit in a single row or column, and also has many options for orientation, alignment, and adapting to various screen sizes.

This is the main reason we have chosen to use the FlexLayout, we want our tiles to wrap on to the next line when it stops fitting on the current one.

Each of these properties we are setting let us control how the content wraps:


Microsoft provides some really useful examples via their documentation.


This is the title of our post so everything we have written to this point was all the preamble…

BindableLayouts are a really powerful extension to existing layout controls.

As per the Microsoft documentation:

Bindable layouts enable any layout class that derives from the Layout class to generate its content by binding to a collection of items, with the option to set the appearance of each item with a DataTemplate. Bindable layouts are provided by the BindableLayout class, which exposes the following attached properties:

  • ItemsSource – specifies the collection of IEnumerable items to be displayed by the layout.
  • ItemTemplate – specifies the DataTemplate to apply to each item in the collection of items displayed by the layout.
  • ItemTemplateSelector – specifies the DataTemplateSelector that will be used to choose a DataTemplate for an item at runtime.

This allows us to extend the FlexLayout control that will handle the wrapping of it’s contents and use BindableLayout to dynamically populate it’s contents.

Our usage can be broken down in to 2 key parts based on the above quote:


BindableLayout.ItemsSource="{Binding Tiles}"

Here we are binding our Tiles property from the MainPageViewModel class to our FlexLayout. The result of this will be for every TileViewModel that we add to Tiles a new item will be added as a child of our FlexLayout.

Next we need to tell the control how to render our items.


    <DataTemplate x:DataType="viewmodels:TileViewModel">
        <Grid WidthRequest="80"
            <Frame IsClippedToBounds="True"
                   BackgroundColor="{StaticResource Color02}">
                    <TapGestureRecognizer Command="{Binding Path=GuessCommand, Source={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type viewmodels:MainPageViewModel}}}" />

                <Label Text="{Binding Path}"
                       TextColor="{StaticResource Color01}"/>

Here we are defining what UI elements will be created for each item (TileViewModel) that appears in the ItemsSource property. We are creating a Frame which allows for the CornerRadius to be set and therefore we can create a circular tile.

We have added a TapGestureRecognizer to the Frame to allow the user to tap on it, this will eventually serve as the mechanism for flipping the tiles over to view the shape underneath. For now it simply binds to the original GuessCommand that increments the number of guesses. It is worth taking a moment to look over this slightly more complex binding as it deals with RelativeSource. What this allows us to do is bind our command up to the GuessCommand on the MainPageViewModel and this is needed because the BindingContext of each of the items inside this DataTemplate is actually the TileViewModel that it represents. Therefore the RelativeSource keyword lets the binding look up the visual tree to find an ancestor of the type (TileViewModel) that we have defined.

Currently we are just showing the Path of the underlying shape in the Text property of a Label but in our next post we will look in to converting this path over to an actual Xamarin.Forms.Shape.


We have actually covered a bit more than just BindableLayout but I hope this post helps to show how it is possible to use each of these building blocks in the process of building our applications.

The source for the end of this stage can be found at:


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MVVM Setup Shapes/Paths + Converters
tags: C# - xamarin - xamarin.forms - bindablelayout